Please fill out the survey once for EACH child in your household who has ASD and is involved in an ABA program. All information collected will be anonymous. We hope to use the survey to offer constructive feedback to the school districts, so that our children have access to quality ABA throughout their day.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your satisfaction with the following regarding your child's ABA experience in the school since September 2009.

  Completely Disatisfied Somewhat disatisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied N/A
ABA Competency of your child's aide.
Acceptance of ABA by the teacher.
Cooperation from the Support Teacher (who makes the IEP).
Amount that ABA programs are included in IEP.
Principal's Support For your child's ABA program
School District Admin. support for your child's ABA program.

Question Title

* 3. How much did/do you have to advocate to get what your child needs in school (not including getting an ABA trained aide as that will be in a future question)? "Not at all means" all you had to do was put in a request. "Heavy duty advocating" means you either pulled your child out, or hired a lawyer, or did a section 11 with the school board. "Somewhat" and "a lot" are somewhere in between

  Not at all Somewhat a lot of advocating Heavy duty advocating N/A
To have ABA programs as part of IEP
To have an appropriate setting for your child
To have a difficulty dealt with in an ABA way

Question Title

* 4. Overall, are you satisfied with the ability of your child's primary aide to deliver ABA programs? (sorry to ask this question again, but if you answer yes, you will next be asked how you got this aide)