1. General Information

Thank you for helping us update your community garden's information! Your garden is extraordinarily important to the city's environment, beauty, and to its people, communities, and schools. Keeping up-to-date records of our city's community gardens helps us improve them, understand their needs, and preserve them. The information collected here is used to update basic information about each garden on the OASIS website (www.oasisnyc.net) and will help us accurately portray your garden's contribution to the city landscape. Please help us out us by being sure to fill in all of the fields and by providing accurate information, so that we can best serve you in the future. Thanks for all of your hard work! If you have any questions or need help filling out this survey, please send an email to llibrizzi@grownyc.org

Question Title

* 1. Garden Name:

Question Title

* 2. Garden Address:

Question Title

* 4. Cross Streets: