Happy 10th Birthday, Newton CPA!

Thanks for taking this survey! It only has 8 questions, and 4 of them are multiple choice. The survey will close on October 9, 2012.

Newton's adoption of the Massachusetts Community Preservation Act (CPA) in 2001 has provided a combination of local & state funds for affordable housing, historic resources, open space & recreation land. Your answers below will help us evaluate how these funds were used over the past 10 years, and decide how they should be used over the next 10.

You can learn more about the CPA and Newton's program, or use our new "project suggestion" page, from our website: www.newtonma.gov/cpa

Question Title

* 1. Who are you?

Question Title

* 2. How have you learned about Newton's CPA program? (check all that apply)

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* 3. Other ways you've learned about the program, or would use to learn about it:

Question Title

* 4. Which past Newton CPA projects are you aware of? Please include comments!