Question Title

* 1. This survey is intended for European hospital pharmacists in practise.

In which country do you practice hospital pharmacy?

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* 2. Previous to receiving this questionnaire, were you aware of European Council Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of sharp injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector?

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* 3. If you answered Yes to Question 1, do you know if the Directive has been implemented in your country with guidance provided to hospital pharmacists?

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* 4. The European Council Directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention from sharp injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector includes within its text the statement "the practice of recapping [syringes] shall be banned with immediate effect."

Do you think this is proportionate, or do you think that health professionals such as hospital pharmacists, should be allowed to use professional discretion on syringe recapping, dependent on risk assessment?

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* 5. An alternative to a full ban on syringe recapping would be to distinguish between one-handed and two-handed recapping.

Would you support a ban on the practice of two-handed (but not one-handed) recapping?

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* 6. Please add in the section below any other views or opinions you have on the regulation of syringes in the hospital context and the protection of health professional safety.