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* 1. What are the major governmental constraints to building new housing in Morgan Hill (e.g. permit process and fees, zoning regulations, RDCS, etc.)? Are the constraints different for single and multi-family housing? How do the governmental constraints in Morgan Hill compare with those of other Bay Area communities?

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* 2. Are there any local housing policies or regulations that could be improved, eliminated, or added to support the construction of housing in Morgan Hill?

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* 3. What are the major non-governmental constraints to developing housing in Morgan Hill (e.g. financing, land value, construction costs, community opposition, land availability, existing infrastructure [utilities and public services], etc)? Are the constraints different for single or multi-family housing?

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* 4. Over the next 20 years, what types of housing product will see the highest demand in Morgan Hill?

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* 5. As housing developers/builders, what do you hear from homebuyers as the primary reasons for purchasing a home in Morgan Hill?

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* 6. What geographic areas of Morgan Hill do you foresee experiencing the greatest amount of residential development over the next 20 years?