Student Evaluation of Course/Teacher

Question Title

* 1. For which course are you completing this survey?

Question Title

* 2. This form has been designed to give the opportunity to express anonymously your perceptions of this course and the manner in which it has been taught. Please indicate your responses by filling in the circle in the column that corresponds with your perception of each statement.

  A (Agree) D (Disagree) NA (Not Applicable)
I was encouraged to learn on my own.
Course requirements were clear to me from the beginning.
Course objectives were clear to me.
Instructor responded to my questions with clarity.
My work was evaluated in ways that were helpful to me.
Instructor was interested in teaching this course.
I was encouraged to participate in class discussion.
The instructor had an in-depth knowledge of the subject area.
Exams covered material on which I expected to be tested.
Assignments contributed to my learning.
Grades were a fair measure of my performance.
The variety and methods of instruction were well paced and adequate.
My knowledge and skills increased.
I acquired a basic understanding of the subject area.
The instructor helped me understand my strengths and learn to improve my weak areas.
I plan to get a college degree after graduating from high school.