Survey of North East VCSE organisations working in criminal justice

This mapping exercise will allow Clinks and VONNE to build a picture of the type, size and number of specialist criminal justice and community safety services being delivered by the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE) in the North East. This mapping will enable Clinks to identify what services the VCSE deliver; how it is funded and the support needs of the sector. Findings from this survey will be used to influence commissioners in the North East.

Clinks and VONNE are working together to support the VCSE Sector working in criminal justice and community safety throughout the North East. This partnership will allow Clinks to bring its specialist knowledge and expertise around the Criminal Justice System (CJS) to the North East, building on existing work that VONNE has carried out on working with offenders, community safety and criminal justice agencies. With support from the Northern Rock Foundation the Local Development Officer for the North East, Natalie Maidment, will be working with the VCSE Sector to support its role in reducing crime, promoting community safety, and reducing re-offending.

As part of this survey we have been working with the Home Office, Cabinet Office and Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) to shape many of the questions within this survey. We acknowledge that this survey is lengthy however by building a picture of services being delivered in the North East we are hoping to influence commissioning intentions forthcoming.

The survey has been split into 5 parts:
Part 1 - About your organisation
Part 2 - About your service users
Part 3 - About the services your organisation provides
Part 4 - About the support your organisation would benefit from
Part 5 - Membership

The survey should take you 20 minutes to complete. You will need information about your organisations’ finances in order to complete it.

To discuss this survey or to give your answers over the telephone contact Natalie Maidment on 0191 233 2000