1. SCHS School Climate Survey II

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* 1. Please indicate your grade level:

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* 2. Please indicate your gender:

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* 3. I am provided help in planning and setting goals for my future.

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* 4. Problem solving at Silver Creek High School involves students.

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* 5. Parents are welcome at anytime at Silver Creek High School.

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* 6. Different cultures are respected at our school.

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* 7. My parents believe that the adults at Silver Creek High School listen to them and help them be involved with the school.

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* 8. I feel safe at Silver Creek High School.

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* 9. Discipline issues are dealt with quickly and fairly.

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* 10. Student success is celebrated at Silver Creek High School.

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* 11. I enjoy coming to Silver Creek High School.

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* 12. My teachers explain the class expectations for each topic we are going to study.

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* 13. If I don’t understand something the first time, my teacher looks for other ways to help me understand.

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* 14. My teachers make learning interesting.

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* 15. I often see the Dr. Seifert or other administrators visiting in my classroom.