The following survey is a joint initiative of the IICA (Institute of Instrumentation, Control & Automation) and Westwick-Farrow Media (What’s New in Process Technology and, and will assist both organisations in continuing to deliver valuable information and services to the Australian process control, instrumentation & automation community.

Thanks for taking the time to have your say…

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* 1. What are the 2-3 key challenges facing your organisation for the remainder of 2013 and beyond?

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* 2. What trends or developments are you seeing in your industry sector that may force a change in the way your business is structured in the near future?

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* 3. What industrial sector(s) is your business expecting growth from in the year ahead? List in order, with 1 being highest.

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* 4. What are your three main go-to sources for industry news? List in order

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* 5. What are your three main go-to sources for new product information? List in order

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* 6. How many hours per work day, roughly, do you spend doing work on a desktop/laptop computer?

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* 7. How many hours per work day, roughly, do you spend doing work on a smartphone/tablet? List offsite hours v onsite hours.

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* 8. Which industry exhibitions/conferences – paid and free – have you attended in the past 3 years and why? List in order of preference.

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* 9. What topics would make a conference/seminar a must-attend for you/your colleagues? (Select maximum of 4)

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* 10. What industry-related associations(s) do you belong to?

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* 11. Which of the following categories best describes your work focus?

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* 12. If you would like to receive a summary report of the survey findings, please provide your information below.