Mediterranean Food Waste Open Consultation 2014

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14% of survey complete.
Dear respondent,
We would like to highlight that for the purpose of this research we refer to the definitions of food waste and food losses used by FAO (2011): Food losses refer to the decrease in edible food mass throughout the part of the supply chain that specifically leads to edible food for human consumption. Food losses take place at production, post-harvest and processing stages in the food supply chain. Food losses occurring at the end of the food chain (retail and final consumption) are rather called “food waste”, which relates to retailers’ and consumers’ behaviour.

Important notice:
Don't forget at the end to enter your contact info. and email address to have the opportunity to spend one-week stay, free of charge, at MAIB of Bari and collaborate with the MAIB research team in the open consultation data elaboration and processing.

Instructions for successful questionnaire compilation

Please complete the questionnaire by placing your answers in the spaces provided.
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• use the ‘back’ button if you need to go back and correct a response

☺ Please complete the entire questionnaire before submission. This will only take you 20-30 minutes.
☺ Please note that the questionnaire should be filled in entirely and then submitted, otherwise information will be lost.
☺ Use the scroll bar to reveal the remaining questions as you move towards the end of the questionnaire.
☺ The fields marked with (*) are obligatory.
☺ After completion, press the 'Done' button to submit the questionnaire.
☺ Should you press the 'Next' button without completing all obligatory fields, you will be redirected to the questionnaire to fill in the missing fields for a valid submission.
☺ Alternatively, you may use the 'Exit the survey' button at any time to exit the questionnaire before submission.

All your replies will be treated in confidence. Please be frank ☺

Your name and personal contacts will never be given to a third party nor will be used for commercial purposes. Your personal contacts will be only used to let you know about the research results or to ask you to participate in other research projects. Please notice that by completing the survey you give us your informed consent.

If you have any doubt about the open consultation or how to answer the questions, please feel free to contact us at

Thank you very much for your collaboration.
MAIB Research team
Contact via Dr. Noureddin Driouech (

Question Title

* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. Please enter your city/town name

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* 3. Please indicate your gender

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* 4. What age bracket are you in?

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* 5. Please indicate if you are the person who is mainly responsible, or equally responsible, for each of the following activities in your household:

Question Title

* 6. In general, how concerned would you say that you are about environmental problems?

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* 7. Please indicate which one of the following you are most concerned about:

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* 8. People sometimes spend money on household goods and services that are never or rarely used. Please indicate whether your household ever does any of the following:

  Yes No I don't know
Use more electricity than is necessary
Use more water than is necessary
Buy food that gets thrown away before being eaten

Question Title

* 9. If YES: how concerned would you say that you are about each of the following?

  A great deal A fair amount A little Not at all
The amount of electricity that your household uses that could be saved
The amount of water that your household uses that could be saved
The amount of food that gets thrown away before being eaten in your household

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* 10. How much general garbage do you think your household usually throws away?

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* 11. How much uneaten food would you say that your household usually throws away?

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* 12. What do you think is the largest type of waste in the average household garbage bin?

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* 13. Approximately how much would you estimate your household food expenditure each month? (1.00 EUR = 1.34 USD)

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* 14. Approximately how much would you estimate that on average your household spends on food that is purchased but never eaten each month? (1.00 EUR = 1.34 USD)

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* 15. In regard to food labels, which of the following do you think best describes what is meant by the ‘use by’ date?

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* 16. In regard to food labels, which of the following do you think best describes what is meant by the ‘best before’ date?

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* 17. How much of your uneaten food is disposed of in the following ways?

  None A little About half Most All
Home compost or worm farm
Household garbage bin
Sink, toilet or drain
Fed to pets/animals

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* 18. If each of the following foods were to be thrown into the garbage bin at home, which would you consider to be waste that could be avoided, or waste that could not be avoided?
- Waste that could be avoided = waste that would not have been produced if the food was better managed
- Waste that could not be avoided = waste that would be produced regardless of how well the food was managed

  Waste that could be avoided Waste that could not be avoided I do not consider this to be waste
Old bread and bakery products
Fruit and vegetable peelings
Old frozen food
Spoiled fresh produce (e.g. fruit, vegetables, dairy or meat)
Food left on the plate after a meal
Unfinished drinks
Unserved portions left after a meal
Meat bones
Out-of-date packaged food
Coffee grinds