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* 1. Currently the local chapter meets the third Monday of the month at 6pm, alternating between formal meetings and social meetings. Is there a better time to meet?

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* 2. We currently meet every month. How often should we meet?

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* 3. We have tried to keep a consistent meeting place. Is a known fixed location better or should me try to rotate locations?

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* 4. We currently try to balance education and social networking. Is this good or should we be focus more on one or the other?

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* 5. What would you want to get out of OWASP?

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* 6. What three things influence your attendance the most?

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* 7. We typically send out reminders the week before a meeting. When is the best time to get a reminder?

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* 8. We are looking for meeting places, do you know of one?

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* 9. We are always looking for good speakers. Do you want to speak or have a suggestion of someone who should?

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* 10. What topics do you want to see at future meetings?