Question Title

* 1. How important are the following variables to your current and future trip making choices (1 being not important, 5 being very important)?

  1 2 3 4 5
Travel time
Customer service

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* 2. What are the current services that provide transport in Margaret River?

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* 3. Are you satisfied with the current level of service in Margaret River?

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* 4. What do you think can be done to improve transport (including taxis) in Margaret River? (i.e. ideas, innovations, experiences from other locations etc.)

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* 5. What kind of transport issues do you personally see in Margaret River?

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* 6. Are you aware of any other transport services that have been tried in the past?

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* 7. Were they a success? And if not, why?

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* 8. On average, how frequently do you request a taxi or other similar service?

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* 9. Where would you typically be picked-up/dropped-off?
(e.g. within town or close to town; to wineries, to beaches. etc.)

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* 10. When would you typically use taxi or similar services? (day and time)

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* 11. Are you happy with the availability of service during this period?