Question Title

Maryland Leadership Workshops, Inc.

Maryland Leadership Workshops, Inc.
Hello MLW Alumni!

We are in the process of trying to reconnect with over 600 alumni and grow our alumni database this coming year. We have created a survey to help us streamline our efforts and get updated information on everyone so that we may be in touch with MLW information and news that is relevant to you!

This survey will take about FIVE minutes at most to complete but will be immensely helpful as we try and reconnect and engage alumni. As an incentive, the first 25 people to complete this will get an awesome MLW car magnet!

Thanks in advance for your time and effort!

Lauren (Hanson) Lee, Alumni Staff Liason

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* 1. Contact Information Form

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* 2. If you had a name other than the one listed above - please include it here.

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* 3. When is your birthday? (Month and Date)

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* 4. When/What years did you attend MLW as a delegate? If you did not attend MLW as a delegate, please write n/a.

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* 5. What program(s) did you staff? In the comment box, please include which years you staffed each program.

  Staff Member Guest Facilitator Team Leader Office Staff Director (Asst., Full or Co-)
Middle School Experience in Leadership (MSEL)
Senior High Workshop (SHW)
Advanced Leadership Seminar (ALS)
Not applicable - I have not staffed an MLW Program

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* 6. What field of work best describes your current occupation?

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* 7. What is your specific job title? (ex. legal assistant, paraeducator, forensic anthropologist)

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* 8. Would you be willing to be contacted by current staff to provide insights about your career/industry?

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* 9. My time as a delegate/staff member with MLW influenced my professional path.

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* 10. Would you be willing/interested in staffing any of the community outreach programs MLW holds? (This is not binding but it lets us know to add you to any blasts about opportunities that arise so that you can staff at some point, if you want to.)