1. Youth IP

We appreciate your business and your willingness to wait in line for our sandwiches. We would like to invite you to answer all 14 questions of this survey. Upon completing and turning-in your survey, you will be mailed or emailed a Buy One Get One Free Sandwich coupon, to Ike's Place, of course.

Our goal is to reduce our service time through making our sandwiches available closer to where you work, attend school, run errands, and go for fun.

We want your input regarding where we should make our sandwiches available that would be convenient to other businesses that you patronize, such as your favorite laundromats, gyms, yoga studios, cafes, bakeries, bars, specialty grocery stores, delicatessens, taquerias, pizzerias , ice creameries, juice bars, daycare centers, pet stores, etc.

We appreciate your thoughtful input as we work to serve you better. If you have questions, please contact Ike at ike@ilikeikesplace.com.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your current contact information

Question Title

* 2. If Ike were to open three new sandwich shops, what three cities and/or neighborhoods should he choose?

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* 3. What means of transportation do you use when visiting an Ike's Place shop?

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* 4. How often do you each at Ike's Place a month?

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* 5. When on your lunch break, which specific types of businesses do you prefer to purchase meals and coffee, tea or juice beverages?

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* 6. When on your lunch break, which business do you prefer to purchase meals and coffee, tea or juice beverages?

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* 7. When on your lunch break, what are the approximate locations of your favorite businesses to buy meals and coffee, tea or juice beverages? (Examples:Ike's Place on 16th St. @ Sanchez St.)

Question Title

* 8. What are your favorite designers, brands, and places to shop for clothing, shoes, handbags, toys, sunglasses, colognes, and electronics as well as if you could recommend artists, music, television show, radio stations, blogs, website, magazines, newspapers, other news media, etc.(Example: Drinks: Chai Cola, Taylor Tonics, Bi Rite Store, on 18th and Dolores Street)

Question Title

* 9. When on your dayoff, which specific types of businesses do you prefer to purchase meals and coffee, tea or juice beverages?

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* 10. When on your dayoff, what what are the approximate locations of your favorite businesses to buy meals and coffee, tea or juice beverages? (Examples:Ike's Place on 16th St. @ Sanchez St.)

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* 11. If you were at a laundromat and you were craving an Ike's Place sandwich, would you appreciate the option to buy a morning prepared Ike's Place sandwich from a vending machine?

Question Title

* 12. If you could buy morning prepared Ike's Place sandwiches from vending machines located at your neigborhood laundromats, what are the business names and/or approximate locations of laundromats? (Example: Bob's Wash & Dry house on Mission St. and 17th St.)

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* 13. If you could buy morning prepared Ike's Place sandwiches from vending machines located at your neigborhood video stores, what are the business names and/or approximate locations of video stores? (Example: Bob's Video Store on Mission St. and 17th St.)

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* 14. If you could buy morning prepared Ike's Place sandwiches from vending machines located at your neigborhood gyms, fitness centers or yoga studios, what are the business names and/or approximate locations of gyms, fitness centers or yoga studios? (Example: Mike's Gym & Yoga on Mission St. and 17th St.)

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* 15. When at a movie theather concession stand, would you appreciate seeing Ike's Place sandwiches on the menu next to the popcorn and drinks?

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* 16. If you could buy morning prepared Ike's Place sandwiches from your neighborhood convenience store, what are the stores names and approximate locations? (Example: Doug's Market on Market St. and Gough St.)

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* 17. Would you care to reduce your wait time for your sandwich orders by signing-up for the Ike's Advance Ordering & Pay Member Service? You would join our monthly standing sandwich orders service for your Ike's Place sandwich requests. You would pay in advance, a minimum of about $50.00, a month. You would designate sandwich menu selections for specific days of the month and specific pickup times (7am-9am, 11am-12pm, or 5pm-7pm). For example, you could order sandwiches for all of the Tuesdays in the month of February that you would pick-up between the hours of 7am-9am.

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* 18. Would you consider letting the Ike's Place team make your household (family members or roommates) bag lunches for the week or month for once a week pick-ups? You would have the option to order a mix of adult and children size sandwiches?