1. Background

The selection of a site for the annual meeting relies on a number of factors--ease of access to the city, availability of hotel and meeting rooms, and general hotel rates for meeting registrants. Before we make a final decision about the location for the 2017 meeting, we would like your input about the options under consideration.

Question Title

* 1. How many AHA annual meetings have you attended?

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* 2. Where do you currently live?

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* 3. Which of the following cities would you find appealing as the site for the 2017 AHA annual meeting. (Please select all that might be of interest to you.)

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* 4. Which of the following cities would you find most appealing as the site for the 2017 AHA annual meeting. (Select one.)

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* 5. Please tell us which factors would be most important in your decision to attend (check all that apply):

Many thanks for your assistance. We hope to see you in Chicago!