
Can you help us?

Remember when your teacher showed you documentary clips in class? And then asked you questions about what happened, you filled out worksheets and stuff like that?

We want to ask you some questions about it.

We are Doc Academy. We are the company that gave your teacher these clips and we need your help.

The reason we are asking you these questions is to find out if you liked it or not and why- also to find out what you have learnt from the documentary clips. This is like you giving us an end of term report so that we know what we need to work on- as if you are a teacher.

This is not a test, we would like you to tell us the truth, even if it’s embarrassing or something you wouldn’t want your teacher to know… have fun!

Before you start please ask your teacher which documentary film clips that we are talking about- you might have watched a few.

Thank you sooo much for your help!

All the Best

Gemma and The Doc Academy Team