Question Title

* 1. Name of Primary Presenter

Question Title

* 2. Employer/University Affiliation

Question Title

* 3. Email Address

Question Title

* 4. Mailing Address

Question Title

* 5. Co-Presenter's Names & Email Addresses (If Any)

Question Title

* 6. Title of Proposed Program

Question Title

* 7. Presentation Abstract: Please write a brief summary of your presentation for the conference program in 50 words or less.

Question Title

* 8. Synopsis of Program: Please provide a 500 word (maximum) synopsis of the content of your program. Be as clear and concise as possible, with the goal of providing participants with a brief overview of goals, objectives, content, and presentation format of your program. Please also include the key themes of your program.

Question Title

* 9. Preferred Session Format

Question Title

* 10. Format Flexibility: Would you be willing to present in an alternative format if space does not allow for acceptance in your proposed format?