1. Green Metrics that Matter - A Benchmark Survey by NAEM

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Dear Survey Participants:

NAEM launched the ‘Green Metrics that Matter’ project to give EHS leaders the insight they need to understand the growing field of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) and Sustainability analytics, and to promote the use of sound, meaningful metrics that are relevant to companies and industry sectors, respectively as well as to encourage transparent practices by the ESG research community.

Additionally, the "Metrics that Matter" seeks to showcase which metrics currently are used in companies to drive EHS performance, and to better understand how companies view and interact with the external ESG research, ratings and rankings communities.

As such, the purpose of this survey is two-fold:

First, the survey focuses on the limited set of indicators that are reported internally to various levels of management. Questions in this section are directed toward the major issues and endpoints that are typically addressed by corporate EHS and sustainability programs and that can be quantified in one or more performance metrics. The second area of the survey has a fundamentally different orientation. Here we are interested in your interactions with the external ESG research community.

We are hopeful that by combining the information provided by EHS business leaders from these two very different but very relevant perspectives, we will develop a more clear and informed understanding of why there appears to be such a significant “disconnect” between the EHS/ESG information valued by corporate managers and executives and that sought by many external stakeholders.

**** The survey should take about 30 minutes to complete. We know you have a lot of demands on your time so we’ve designed the survey to be efficient and high value given the complexity of the issue.

Section 1. Introduction Letter
Section 2. Demographic Information
Section 3. EHS and sustainability data tracked INTERNALLY within your company
Section 4. External Reporting and Engagement with ESG Researchers
Section 5. Obstacles to Effective Interaction and Lessons-Learned

Be sure to enter your email address and company name in the fields for the first question to receive a copy of the results and to help us prevent duplicate responses from the same company. Additionally, the results will also be presented at NAEM's EHS Management Forum being held October 13-15th in Indianapolis, IN.

PLEASE RESPOND TO THE SURVEY BY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1ST. We thank you in advance for your participation in this survey.

Carol Singer Neuvelt
NAEM Executive Director


NAEM respects the privacy of its members and survey participants. Each response will be held totally confidential and will not be attributed to a specific responder or company. However, the collective anonymous results will be shared with NAEM members, survey respondents and individuals participating in the conference. NAEM reserves the right to publish the collective results. We are requesting the name of your company solely for the purpose of avoiding duplicate responses.