"Thank you for taking the time to review this sample stress of change assessment survey. Experience shows that the more employees experience an organizational change created in response to their expressed needs, the more relevant they believe the change will be, thus decreasing potential resistance and increasing motivation to support the change.

It helps if the survey can be created based upon confidential interviews, which we conduct with selected key members of your organization. Because employees will be accessing this survey over the Internet, rather than through email or your company's Intranet, their responses remain anonymous. This is often a very crucial issue in getting accurate information.

In addition to assisting in the customization of any proposed change/adoption process, a summary report of the survey results can be provided to your management.

Incorporating the thoughts and feelings express in the survey into the training aspect of RI's change management process makes a powerful difference for employees. They come away with down-to-earth, common sense tools and techniques they experience as are immediately applicable both to changes at work but also at home.

Again, thank you for your consideration."

- Robert Pennington and Stephen Haslam, Resource International