10% of survey complete.
Welcome to the ABC North Coast Listener Feedback Survey.

We love to get your feedback from time to time and give you the chance to tell us what you like and don't like about ABC North Coast and what you'd like changed so that we can be better for you in 2012.

There are no right or wrong answers...we're just after your honest feedback

And remember, all individual responses are kept
private and confidential...so please be as honest as you like!

Question Title

* 3. How would you class the area you live in normally?

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following times would you listen to the radio on a typical week day (Monday to Friday)? Please indicate all that apply.

Question Title

* 8. Do you own an ipad or other tablet type of portable unit?

Question Title

* 10. Can you please rate the following programs as heard on ABC North Coast, using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=Dislike A Lot, 2=Dislike Some, 3=Neither Like Nor Dislike, 4=Like Some and 5=Like A Lot/A Favourite. If you don't know the program please use the 'Unfamiliar' response.

  Dislike A Lot Dislike Some Neither Like Nor Dislike Like Some Love It Sorry, I'm unfamiliar With The Program
Local Breakfast - (6.00am-9.00am Mon-Friday)
Local Mornings - (9.00am-11.00am)
Conversation Hour (11.00am-12.00Noon)
Statewide Afternoons - (Afternoons 2pm-4pm)
Statewide Drive - (4.00pm-6.00pm)
Statewide Evenings - (7pm - 10pm)
Nightlife with Tony Delroy - (10pm - 2am Mon to Fri)
Australia All Over with Macca - (Sunday 6am-10am)

Question Title

* 11. Can you please rate the following Current Affairs shows as heard on ABC North Coast.

  Dislike It A Lot Dislike It Some Neither Like Nor Dislike It Like It Some Love It/Never Miss It! Unfamiliar With The Program
Early AM (Mon-Friday 6:10am)
AM (Mon-Friday 8am)
The World Today (Mon-Friday 1pm)
PM (Mon-Friday 6pm)

Question Title

* 12. Using scale of 1 to 5, could please rate the following features and programs as heard on ABC North Coast. If you don't know the feature or program, please use the 'Unfamiliar' response.

  Dislike A Lot Dislike Some Neither Like Nor Dislike Like Some Love It Unfamiliar
The Conversation Hour (11am Monday to Friday)
Rural Report (Mon-Fri 6:40am-6:55am)
Saturday Night Country
Norman The Quiz (7pm-8pm Weeknights)
Grandstand (12Noon-6pm saturday and Sunday)
Talkabout (11am-12Noon Saturdays)
Country Hour (12Noon - 1pm Mon to Friday)
The Woodies (10am-11am Saturdays)

Question Title

* 13. Which Radio services do you listen to regularly? By regularly, I mean at least two or three times a week. Please indicate all that apply.