1. Achterman Syllabus Quiz

This is "open book" you may look things up on the syllabus to answer these questions, but please do it on your own. This is worth 5 points. Please be sure you read/listen to the links (on the syllabus) that talk about multitasking.

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* 1. Fill in Name here

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* 2. Dr. Achterman's office is:

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* 3. You will fail if you miss more than _____ classes without a valid excused absence.

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* 4. You may text or email Dr. Achterman about a missed assignment or grades.

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* 5. Late assignments lose ______% per day late?

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* 6. Dr. Achterman wants me to be a careful and thorough writer and will take 20% off of written assignments if it is clear I have not proof-read my writing.

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* 7. Based on the readings/audio linked on the syllabus (re: multitasking) - doing multiple things at once (Facebook, IM, writing, reading, texting) is very helpful for my productivity and learning.

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* 8. Please rate yourself:

  Yes, this is me This is sometimes me Hmm...a little I don't have a problem with this
Even when I'm taking notes I can't help but switch to Facebook
I'm tempted to switch to other things while in class, but I usually resist
I can resist in class, but I pull out my phone when I get out of class
I'm just better at doing one thing at a time

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* 9. I actually appreciate it when the professor limits use of electronics in class.

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* 10. Please write a few sentences about why you are taking this course - is it a requirement? Sounded interesting? Fun?
What are you looking forward to in the class?