Question Title

* 1. How often would you say you read my blog?

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* 2. Which best describes you?

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* 3. Which applies to you?

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* 4. If you have school-aged children, are they:

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* 5. My age is:

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* 6. My total household income would be: (Please note I have no way of knowing who answered each question so this is totally anonymous. I know the median income in my state of Michigan. I am curious if it matches the median income of my blog readers.)

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* 7. What I like about your blog is: (check as many as apply)

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* 8. What I like least about your blog is: (check all that apply)

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* 9. I would like to see this topic addressed on your blog: (Check all that interest you and please note that I couldn't POSSIBLY address these by myself. If a topic pulls a top place that I haven't a clue about, I'll have a guest poster that day :-))

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* 10. Besides your blog, I also connect with you because:

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* 11. I wish you would bring back Weight Loss Wednesdays (add an additional comment if you'd like)

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* 12. If you redesign your website, I think you should (check all that apply and please leave any other suggestions under "other")

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* 13. I wish you would lead book/Bible studies online more often.

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* 14. Any other comments that would be helpful for me to know? Please be honest but also be nice :-)