Wednesday Afternoon Campaign Survey

This survey is for current Kingston University students to log any Wednesday afternoon teaching they have been scheduled. This will be used to help students identify where they have been scheduled a session which does not comply with the Wednesday Afternoon Policy and report it to the University Senior Management where appropriate.

Aims of this Campaign

-To inform students of the Kingston University Wednesday Afternoon Policy
-To inform students of the steps they should take if they have been scheduled a teaching session on a Wednesday afternoon
-To help students identify where they have been scheduled a session which does not comply with the Wednesday afternoon policy
-To encourage participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, societies and volunteering
-To inform students of the current exceptions to this policy

Official KU Wednesday Afternoon's Policy:

‘Every effort will be made to limit the amount of timetabled teaching on a Wednesday afternoon for full time undergraduate students (note: extra-curricular activities can take place on a Wednesday afternoon).

Note: occasionally it may be necessary to schedule tutorials or elective modules on a Wednesday afternoon. In these instances there will be alternative tutorial slots for students to move to or other electives that students can opt for.'