2013 Advocacy Day Registration

Please fill out the information below to register to attend our 2013 Advocacy Day in Nashville. To commemorate our organization's 75th Anniversary, we are looking for at least 75 advocates to participate.

OUR EVENTS: See event flyer on our website. Event specifics will be sent to registered participants.

* ADVOCACY DAY: Wednesday, March 20th from 8:30am-3pm CST.
* 75TH ANNIVERSARY LEGISLATIVE RECEPTION: Tuesday, March 19th, 5:30-7:30pm CST.
* CONFERENCE CALL TRAINING: Thursday, March 7th from 2-3pm CST/ 3-4pm EST.

We hope that you will be one of our advocates! This will be a rewarding day to advocate to our legislators about issues concerning the health of women, infants, and children in Tennessee. Please share with your friends, family, and colleagues and encourage them to attend and show their support as well.

If you have additional questions, please contact Tamara Currin at tcurrin@marchofdimes.com or phone 615-800-7181. We appreciate your support!

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* 1. What is your first and last name?

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* 2. What organization are you representing?

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* 3. What is your job title?

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* 4. What is your address? (please include city and zip code)

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* 5. What is your email address?

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* 6. What is your phone number?

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* 7. Will you attend Advocacy Day on Wednesday, March 20th from 8:30am-3pm CST?

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* 8. Will you attend the Conference Call Training on March 7th from 2-3pm CST/ 3-4pm EST? (recommended for all Advocacy Day participants)

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* 9. Will you attend the 75th Anniversary Reception on Tuesday, March 19th from 5:30-7:30pm CST?

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* 10. Additional Comments: