Dear friend,

Please spend a few minutes answering the following questions as this will then help Knowledge Seven offer a better service to you and your organisation.

We would appreciate if you could fill in this survey by this Friday 24 June.

Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Do you generally follow training courses and/or send staff for training?

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* 2. Why do you think training is important?

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* 3. We already offer different kinds of IT training. Which of the following do you think might be beneficial to you or your staff in the future?

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* 4. How many people in your organisation would benefit from following the above IT training in the future?

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* 5. We would like to introduce new IT courses in the future. Which of the following do you think would be more useful for you or your staff?

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* 6. How many people in your organisation would benefit from following this kind of IT training?

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* 7. We would like to introduce new non-IT courses in the future. Which of the following do you think would be more useful for you or your staff?

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* 8. How many people in your organisation would benefit from following this kind of non-IT training?

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* 9. Thank you for spending your precious time answering this survey! Any suggestions you would like to make in order for us to serve you better?

Please feel free to leave your contact details if you have specific training needs and require a personalised service.