External Focus Group Follow-up Survey

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* 1. How well does JWCC serve the community?

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* 2. How affordable is JWCC's tuition?

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* 3. Rate the quality of educational programs at JWCC.

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* 4. Are the workforce (career-focused) programs at JWCC relevant to community needs?

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* 5. What rating would you give JWCC community education (personal enrichment) courses?

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* 6. What rating would you give JWCC continuing education courses (work related classes needed for certification in various fields such as education, OSHA, nursing, real-estate, etc.)

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* 7. What rating would you give the services provided at the JWCC facility: Kinscherff Adult Education and Learning Center?

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* 8. What rating would you give the services provided at the JWCC Mt. Sterling Education Center?

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* 9. What rating would you give the services provided at the JWCC Pittsfield Education Center?

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* 10. What rating would you give the services provided at the JWCC Agricultural Center in Perry?

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* 11. What rating would you give the services provided at the JWCC Quincy campus?

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* 12. What rating would you give the services provided at the JWCC Workforce Development Center?

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* 13. What rating would you give JWCC for its work to partner with the business community to help provide a skilled workforce?

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* 14. What rating would you give JWCC for its use of resources/finances?

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* 15. Is JWCC responsive to community needs?

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* 16. What other degrees,programs or services do you feel JWCC should offer in the future?

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* 17. Please provide any additional comments you may have