1. Sgilean Gàidhlig - luchd-teagaisg
Fèisean Tutor Gaelic skills

A rèir poileasaidh ùr Fèisean nan Gàidheal tha e riatanach gum bi aig a’ char as lugha comas Gàidhlig bunaiteach aig a h-uile neach-teagaisg a thèid fhastadh le Fèis sam bith bhon t-Sultain 2012 air adhart. Bheir an ceisteachan seo cothrom do dh'Fhèisean nan Gàidheal cunntas pearsanta agus plana trèanaidh a chruthachadh do gach neach-teagaisg air a bheil seo a dhìth. Cha tèid fiosrachadh sam bith a bheirear seachad a chleachdadh airson adhbhar sam bith eile.

Fèisean nan Gàidheal's new Gaelic Policy requires that any tutor employed by any Fèis from September 2012 onwards will have at least a basic Gaelic ability. This questionnaire will allow Fèisean nan Gàidheal to create personal profiles for existing tutors and prepare a language training plan for those who require it. Any information you provide will not be used for any other purpose.

Question Title

* 1. Gnè | Sex

Question Title

* 2. Aois | Age

Question Title

* 3. Prìomh chuspair(ean) air a theagasg/an teagasg | Main Subject(s) Taught

Question Title

* 4. Gu dè an ìre a bhios sibh a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig aig Fèis fhad 's a tha sibh a’ teagasg no a’ cumail sùil air com-pàirtichean?
To what extent do you currently use Gaelic at a Fèis when tutoring or supervising?

Question Title

* 5. Gu dè an ìre a bhios sibh a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig taobh a-muigh Fèise?
To what extent do you use Gaelic outwith a Fèis?

Question Title

* 6. Dè a b' fhèarr a mhìnicheas cho math 'sa thuigeas sibh a' Ghàidhlig?
Which of the following best describes your ability to understand Gaelic?

Question Title

* 7. Dè a b' fhèarr a mhìnicheas cho math 'sa bhruidhinneas sibh a' Ghàidhlig?
Which of the following best describes your ability to speak Gaelic?

Question Title

* 8. Dè a b' fhèarr a mhìnicheas cho math 'sa sgrìobhas sibh a' Ghàidhlig?
Which of the following best describes your ability to write in Gaelic?

Question Title

* 9. Dè a b' fhèarr a mhìnicheas cho math 'sa leughas sibh a' Ghàidhlig?
Which of the following best describes your ability to read in Gaelic?

Question Title

* 10. Dè a b' fhèarr a mhìnicheas ur beachd mu dheidhinn Gàidhlig aig Fèis no tachartasan ceangailte ri Fèis?
Which of the following statements best describes your attitude towards Gaelic at a Fèis or in related Fèis activities?

Question Title

* 11. Anns an obair agaibh mar neach-aire no neach-teagaisg, dè cho comhfhurtail 'sa tha sibh a bhith cleachdadh Gàidhlig aig Fèis no aig cur-seachadan co-cheangailte ri Fèis?
In your role as a tutor or supervisor, how comfortable are you with using Gaelic at a Fèis or in related Fèis activities?

Question Title

* 12. Am biodh sibh comhfhurtail a' teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig aig Fèis no tachartasan co-cheangailte ri Fèis?
Would you be comfortable tutoring through the medium of Gaelic at a Fèis or in related Fèis activities?

Question Title

* 13. A bheil sibh air clasaichean/cùrsaichean Gàidhlig a fhrithealadh?
Have you attended any formal Gaelic classes/taken courses in Gaelic?

Question Title

* 14. Am biodh sibh deònach Gàidhlig ionnsachadh, no sgilean adhartachadh, gus cosnadh fhaighinn aig Fèis no aig tachartas co-cheangailte ri Fèis?
Would you be prepared to learn Gaelic, or increase your skills, in order to gain employment at a Fèis or in related Fèis activities?

Question Title

* 15. Dè ur beachd nam biodh agaibh fhèin ris na cosgaisean a ghiùlain airson trèanadh Gàidhlig gus cosnadh fhaighinn aig Fèis no cur-seachadan co-cheangailte ri Fèis?
What would your attitude be towards meeting the cost of Gaelic training in order to gain employment in a Fèis or Fèis related activities?

Question Title

* 16. Dè seòrsa ùidh a tha agaibh ur sgilean Gàidhlig a leasachadh no adhartachadh?
How interested are you in improving your Gaelic skills?

Question Title

* 17. Dè an dòigh ionnsachaidh as freagarraiche dhuibh airson nan sgilean Gàidhlig agaibh a leasachadh?
Which of the following training methods would be best suited to improving your Gaelic skills?

Question Title

* 18. Nan cuireadh Fèisean nan Gàidheal trèanadh freagarrach air dòigh, dè an t-àm as freagarrach dhuibh a fhrithealadh?
If Fèisean nan Gàidheal were to organise suitable training, when would you be most likely to be able to attend?

Question Title

* 19. A bheil beachdan eile ann a tha sibh ag iarraidh a thoirt seachad?
Are there any additional comments you wish to add?

Question Title

* 20. Lìonaibh am foirm gu h-ìseal | Please fill in below

Question Title

* 21. Am biodh sibh toilichte ma thèid am fiosrachadh bho cheist 20 air stòr-dàta Fèisean nan Gàidheal? Cha tèid am fiosrachadh a thoirt seachad do dhuine no ri buidheann sam bith ach buidhnean ceòl traidiseanta a-mhàin a tha an sàs le foghlam agus trèanadh. Faodaidh sibh taghadh a dhèanamh gu h-ìseal

Are you happy for the information at 20 to be included in Fèisean nan Gàidheal's database? Please be aware that we will not share details with anyone other than traditional music organisations involved in education and training and you may choose to limit this by selecting the appropriate option below.

Mur a h-eil thu a' lìonadh an fhoirm seo air-loidhne cuiribh air ais e gu:
If not completing this form online please return to:

Calum Alex MacMillan (Questionnaire), FREEPOST NATN, Portree, Isle of Skye IV51 9BR