1. Default Section

Question Title

* 1. Hello! This survey helps us to find out more about you, and helps you to benchmark yourself against the Irish population - we'll be helping you understand online consumer behaviour during the course. It should not take more than 6 minutes to complete. We only record your name to know everyone has completed the survey - we won't be scoring or assessing your replies in any way and the results will only be presented for the whole class, not individually.

Please start by telling us about how you prefer to communicate with business associates - choose up to three favourite methods

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* 2. Which age category below includes your age?

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* 3. Are you male or female?

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* 4. Name (this will be kept confidential)

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* 5. Your attitude to technology (there is no right answer...)
Please indicate on a scale of 1-5

  1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Neutral feelings 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree
I like to be the first to use new technologies
New technologies make my life easier
I just don't understand computers and new technologies
I need to learn more about computers and new technologies
People look to me for advice about new technologies

Question Title

* 6. What technology do you use at the moment?

  Yes No Don't Know
Do you have a smartphone (iPhone or a Android phone)?
Do you use your mobile phone to access the Internet?
Do you have a computer for your own use (laptop, desktop, notebook)?
Do you have a tablet computer such as an iPad?
Do you have a broadband connection at home?
Do you use an Mp3 player such as an iPod?
Do you use a digital camera for still photographs?
Do you use a video camera or take videos on your phone?
Can you use the Internet from your TV?

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* 7. What do you do with the technology?

  Yes No Don't know
Send texts (SMS) from your computer?
Listen to the radio over the Internet?
Play games
Download music/videos?
Send pictures from your mobile phone?
Use Skype or other video connections over the Internet?
Have you ever uploaded a video to YouTube or similar?
Do you use instant message systems eg facebook chat or Windows LiveProfile?
Do you tag or bookmark websites to revisit?
Can you create short online videos?
Do you buy goods on the Internet eg purchase flights online?
Do you use geolocation services like Google Maps or Foursquare?

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* 8. How many hours a week do you spend on social networking sites?

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* 9. Which of these topics would you like to investigate further?

  Yes No Possibly
How can you prove the effect (eg return on investment)?
Is there simple, free stuff on the web I can use when I'm teaching?
How can I attract people to my website/blog/facebook page?
What new media tools should I use for what purpose?
What is the "Internet of Things", and should I worry about it?
Infobesity - there's too much information and not enough time...
If my data's in the cloud now, how do I know it's safe?
What would happen if the Internet stopped?
Identity theft, phishing and shopping safely
How do we know what information is "true" on the web?
Is human thought becoming shallower due to technology distraction?
How can the Internet be made more accessible to everyone no matter their ability?

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* 10. Tell us about the Internet places you use:

  Yes No Tried it but gave it up
Own website