1. What I did during my snow-weekend vacation.

I'm just curious what imaginative, productive and fun things other folks did during the Raleigh Snow-weekend vacation. Can you just list some of the things you did? I started a list, but please add to it.

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* 1. I spent most of my snow days doing

  0% 0-10% 10-20% 20-40% 40-60% 60-80% 80-100%
Reading for fun
Studying for classes
Playing in the snow
Cuddled by the fire
Watched movies
Went through old paper, clearing clutter
Started on my taxes
Cleaned, vacuumed, dusted the house
Worked on my book, my paintings, my sculptures and/or my articles
Worked a little on my home business plans and website
Pulled out the exercise tapes. or exercise equipment that were in the closet or under the bed.
Caught up with friends via phone, email and facebook
Played board games or cards with family and friends
Made campfire snacks like popcorn, smores, chex-mix, trail-mix, cookies, etc
Spent time thinking what I want 2010 to be like
Journaling some thoughts and desires to better discover my passion and what I want in my future career and life.
Brought in snow and mixed with milk, sugar, vanilla for homemade ice cream
Spent time alone with spouse or mate to discuss each other's dreams and expectations for 2010 -- and encouraged each other in their visions

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* 2. Looking back -- I now wish I used the time more wisely to do the following:

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* 3. I realize that it's not too late to incorporate some of those things today. I'll plan to schedule time this week to do the following:

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* 4. Would you like a free 30 minute coaching session to help get you started? This survey is anonymous. If you've answered yes, I hope you feel comfortable contacting me.