The IHLS Nominating Committee is searching for potential candidates for the 2013 IHLS Board Elections. The following positions on the board are up for election:

1 Public Library Representative
4 Public Library Trustee Representatives

The committee will consider all interested candidates. Please understand that sometimes not all interested candidates can appear on the ballot. There are several reasons for this. For example, the committee must create a ballot that will fill the vacant seats, and there are not necessarily vacant seats for each type of library; the committee must create a geographically balanced ballot; selecting too many candidates to run for a single seat can easily lead to a tie, possibly a re-vote, and may seriously delay the election process. The committee may also pair certain candidates against one another to ensure geographic balance or compliance with bylaws. This pairing method is borrowed from the Illinois Library Association's electronic board elections method. If you indicate your interest, but are not selected as a candidate, please understand that it is only a matter of logistics. Whether or not you are selected as a candidate, we commend you for your willingness to serve!

Please forward the email with the survey link to board members, colleagues and others who may be interested in appearing on the ballot, and to anyone you feel would make a great candidate.

If you have questions or comments for the nominating committee, please feel free to contact us:

Kim Keller: Bryan Bennett Public Library ( 618-548-3006 Chairperson
Diana Brawley Sussman: Carbondale Public Library ( 618-457-0354
Deanne Holshouser: Edwardsville Public Library (
Anita Walters: Sherman Public Library ( 217-496-2496
Julia Welzen: Argenta-Oreana Public Library ( 217-468-2340