What is HeadStart?
HeadStart is a Big Lottery programme which is aiming to improve the ability of children young people aged 10 -14yrs old to cope with the challenges they face in order to prevent them developing common mental health problems.
Wolverhampton is one of 12 areas that has been invited to apply for up to £10m from the HeadStart fund. Our Stage 2 application (the next stage of the application process) needs to be sent in by 17th April. If this application is successful BIG will give the city £500,000 to provide support to children and young people for a year and test out which of our ideas work and make a real difference to children and young people.
What difference will it make?
The sort of differences we want to make to the lives of children and young people are:
• help young people learn and develop better ways of coping
• improve young people’s self-esteem
• increase access to early help and support from adults and from other young people
• make it easier for young people to find and get any early help and support they might need
• improve relationships within families
• improve the quality & availability of advice, information, & support inc. online support
• increase the ability of children and young people to protect themselves in the 'real world' and in the virtual world.
The four themes – Big Lottery wants us to focus on children and young people’s
1. time and experience at school
2. ability to access the community ‘services’ they need
3. home life and relationship with family members
4. interaction with digital technology
If you have any questions please contact:

Raymond Codner
Joint Commissioning Team
Wolverhampton City Council
1st Floor - Civic Centre
St. Peter’s Square
Tel: (01902) 555809
Please click the Next button below to begin the survey.