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* 1. Please rate the following questions on a scale of 1-4 (1 being a low rating, 4 being a very high rating)

  1 2 3 4
How welcome did you feel at Jumpstart 2?
How effective was this event at building community amongst parent educators?
How focused was the DVIA staff on the needs of parent educators at this event?
How well did the range of Jumpstart workshop topics meet your needs?
If we offered this conference again to allow you to attend sessions you missed, how likely would you be to attend?

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* 2. What ideas/activities/resources have you already implemented in your homeschool teaching from workshops you've attended so far this year?

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* 3. How many times a year would you like parent educator conferences such as Jumpstart to be offered? Please note, child care cannot be provided so these would be optional events to support parent educators, not mandatory events.

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* 4. What will you do to support Parent Educator Workshops this year?

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* 5. What topics would you like to see in future conferences/workshops?

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* 6. For future events, which of the following do you prefer:

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* 7. What worked for you about the most recent Jumpstart schedule (on Wednesday, September 18th)?

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* 8. As you reflect on the Jumpstart 2 Conference schedule, what suggestions do you have for future Parent Educator Conference schedules?

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* 9. If there is anyone you would like to acknowledge, please do so here:

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* 10. We would also appreciate it if you could take the time to answer this question not related to Jumpstart: Why did your family choose DVIA? Thank you for your time!