1. Online Marketing Survey

I am working on some new online marketing products and services. Please tell me about your online marketing needs and experience level, so I can make sure we help you achieve your goals. Thanks for your help! ~Dave Lavinsky

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* 1. Are You Currently Marketing Your Business Online?

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* 2. What Is Your Total Monthly Online Marketing Budget? (Including Advertising Spend, Training/Education, Staffing/Outsourced Services)

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* 3. What Is Your #1 Question About Marketing Your Business Online?

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* 4. Would You Be Interested in Training Products to Improve Your Online Marketing Skills?

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* 5. If YES to the Question Above, Which of the Following Training Product Formats Would You Be Most Interested In?

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* 6. Would You Be Interested in Coaching or Consulting Services to Improve Your Online Marketing?

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* 7. If YES to the Question Above, Which of the Following Coaching or Consulting Services Would You Be Most Interested In?