1. Ardchattan Gardeners Group

The Garden group attached to the North Connel and district Horticultural Society.

Please use this survey to help everyone create a new dynamic group relevant to the gardeners of 2011 and beyond.
This questionnaire relates to the invitation to the new season of the club : www.ardchattan.org.uk/gardenclub2011AGM.pdf
Growing our own food, being more self sufficient and wasting less of our resources is increasingly important.
The garden group gives us a chance to learn from each other, and from new people, new skills, and share our experience throughout the population.
The aim is to be far more active, with more opportunities to get together and learn practical skills, relevant to what we are doing throughout the seasons as well as gaining knowledge for future projects.

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* 1. Talks to learn from : which of these would you like?

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* 2. Which of the following practical workshops are you interested in?

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* 3. What other activities are you interested in?

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* 4. Would you like to visit any of the following this year?

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* 5. Did you have a surplus of fruit and vegetables last year?

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* 6. Are you interested in a project to create allotments in Ardchattan for the use of the community ?

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* 7. Which day and time of day is best for you for talks and activities?
We will aim to have a variety of types of events, some will be daytime and others evenings.

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* 8. Please leave your details so we can get in touch with you about any meetings, send out information about activities in the area etc.

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* 9. What else would you like the Garden Club to be doing?