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* 1. In the language of Augustine, sacraments are outward ______ of _______.

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* 2. Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and many Anglican traditions number seven practices as sacraments. How many can you remember? CAPITALIZE the ones whose character or point you still do not really understand.

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* 3. Many Christians object to using the term 'sacrament' to describe more than a few of these practices because

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* 4. Which is NOT understood as a way that these practices that are sometimes called sacraments relate to the history of salvation?

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* 5. In your church, what do people mean by saying that a practice such as baptism or communion is a "symbol"?

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* 6. What other meanings might the word 'symbol' have among other Christians in other traditions?

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* 7. Work frames this lecture on 'Word and sacraments' in terms of the ways God makes himself accessible to us, which make salvation salvation "visible, physical, social, and ecclesial."

Consider the specific ways your church assumes that God is powerfully available. What 'story of salvation' is being told through that list, and how does it compare and/or contrast with the story of salvation you are learning in this course?