
With the launch of new, custom search capability for the Ridge 2000, GeoPRISMS and MARGINS data portals, we request anonymous feedback on how you use the MGDS system and on its ease-of-use. What features do you require that we do not already provide? Is any functionality unnecessary? The following nine questions will take about 3 minutes to answer. Thank you very much!

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* 1. Who are you? Tick all that apply.

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* 2. What is your primary field of scientific expertise?

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* 3. What is your primary use of the data you find at MGDS?

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* 4. What types of data do you look for at MGDS? Tick all that apply.

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* 5. MGDS Search Interface: How useful is the ability to search on each of the following criteria?

  Very useful Somewhat useful Not at all useful Rarely or never use
Name of field expedition or data compilation
Data Type
Device Type
Investigator Name
Geographical Location
Platform Type (e.g. Ship, HOV)
Platform name (e.g. Melville, Alvin)
Ability to search for only program-funded or program-related data
Ability to search for ALL data registered in MGDS

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* 6. MGDS Search Interface: Which of the following additional search criteria would you also be likely to use? (Tick all that apply.)

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* 7. Search Results page: Which of these features do you find useful? (Tick all that apply.)

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* 8. Search results page: When you display the results by expedition, is the summary information sufficient? If not, how can we improve its content or appearance?

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* 9. Are the search interface, search help, and search results pages sufficiently intuitive? If not, what improvements should we make? What new search capability should we offer?

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* 10. Optional: If you would like us to contact you about your comments above, please enter your name and e-mail address: