Question Title

* Please indicate how helpful and effective the following activities were in improving your written and analytic skills or your understanding of literature, clarifying course expectations, or engaging your interest.

  Not at all helpful and / or interesting No opinion Somewhat helpful and / or interesting Extremely helpful and / or interesting N/A
1. Daily prompt writing
2. Daily IOC practice
3. In-class discussion of texts
4. In-class essays at conclusion of units
5. In-class or homework readings of articles related to texts
6. Reading texts out loud together in class
7. Powerpoint presentations to introduce texts
8. Wiki discussion questions
9. Wiki IOP and WL1 topic posts
10. Research tasks (Norway and Modernism)
11. In-class work time for WL1
12. Conventions error discussions from wiki responses and essays
13. Required annotations of text (HG)
14. In-class presentations
15. Vocabulary definition requirement (HOD)
16. In-class reviews of IB requirements
17. Quotation integration lessons and quiz
18. Watching video clips of textual adaptations
19. Information on wiki
20. E-mails from Ms Barga

Question Title

* Please indicate how much progress you feel that you have made in the following areas over the past year.

  I have not advanced at all, or have regressed I have only progressed a little I have made moderate progress I have advanced significantly Not applicable or not important
1. Comprehension of literary texts
2. Writing: grammar and other conventions
3. Writing: analysis
4. Writing: organization
5. Formal oral commentary
6. Informal oral contributions to discussion
7. Interest in and engagement with literature

Question Title

* Please indicate the areas in which you feel that MORE or LESS practice or study is necessary in the course.

  We should do this much less frequently We should do this somewhat less We spend the right amount of time on this We should do this somewhat more We should do this much more often
1. Informal in-class writing
2. Formal in-class writing
3. Informal at home writing
4. Formal at home writing
5. Discussion of texts
6. Discussion of writing skills
7. Formal oral commentary
8. Grammar lessons
9. Grammar quizzes
10. Group presentations
11. Individual presentations
12. In-class reading
13. At home reading

Question Title

* Please tell me in which of the following areas I need to improve.

  You really need to work on this You could improve somewhat You are adequate in this area You do this well Not applicable or not important
1. Explaining assignments
2. Making general class expectations clear
3. Giving sufficient time to complete assignments
4. Assigning a reasonable amount of work
5. Maintaining and updating class wiki
6. Preparing students for ECA tests and exams
7. Preparing students for IB tests and assessments
8. Grading assignments fairly
9. Providing sufficient feedback for students' work
10. Being available and approachable for help during class
11. Being available and approachable for help outside of class
12. Making class enjoyable
13. Maintaining high academic standards and challenging students
14. Making class relevant to real life
15. Creating a fair environment in which students are not likely to cheat
16. Making the classroom (physical environment) comfortable and appealing
17. Treating students equally
18. Treating students with respect and understanding

Question Title

* Please rate the texts we've read this year.

  Not at all valuable or worthwhile Slightly valuable or worthwhile Somewhat valuable or worthwhile Extremely valuable or worthwhile N/A (for transfer students)
1. The Bacchae
2. The Things They Carried
3. William Blake poetry
4. Samuel Coleridge poetry
5. John Keats poetry
6. A Streetcar Named Desire
7. The Cherry Orchard
8. Hedda Gabler
9. Death and the Maiden
10. Heart of Darkness

Question Title

* Please take a moment to offer me some ideas for what I can do to improve your English class for next year. I sincerely value your feedback and will do what I can to incorporate your suggestions. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond thoughtfully to this survey, and also for being welcoming and engaged during my first year at ECA. You've all validated my decision to begin teaching English literature full-time, and I look forward to growing and improving as an English teacher and working with you again during your last year of high school.