Question Title

* 1. For each team that organizes an event in your area for 04.26.12 please respond to the survey monkey with answers to these four questions. Please refrain from submitting events until you have all four answers clear. Once you submit we’ll start filling out the national map of events so that others may contact and join the events and that the media can have a big picture of our movement. Feel free to submit multiple events at once:

1.) Name of event

2.) Contact name and phone number

3.) Location with complete addresses, cross streets, landmarks (for google map)

4.) Short Description


Name of Event: Re-imagining with Landscape Architecture

Contact/Organizer: Landon Archer: 202.216.2345,

Location: Philip Billard Municipal Airport Topeka, Kansas

Short Description: Landscape Architects introduce their talents with a flash mob of easels showing up in front of the airport to re-imagine vacant plots that could add leisure and economic benefits if properly re-designed to welcome travelers.