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* 1. During the past year, I have participated in training related to self-advocacy, self-determination, systems advocacy or leadership

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* 2. During the past year, I have participated in training related to legislative advocacy

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* 3. I feel equipped/ have the skills and ability to advocate with my elected represenative

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* 4. During the past year, I have taken action to try to influence legislation

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* 5. I have contacted my legislator about an important disability issue during the past year

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* 6. I have taken action to try to influence policies that affect people with disabilities during the past year

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* 7. What type of action have you taken to influence policies that affect people with disabilties during the past year (check all that apply)?

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* 8. What issue(s) have you taken action on/tried to influence?

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* 9. I have made an impact on an important issue affecting people with disabilties during the past year.

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* 10. I have been involved in the creation and or improvement of programs/policies that have positively impacted people with developmental disabilties

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* 11. I am a...

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* 12. Has WI-BPDD been helpful to you/supported you in your advocacy efforts?

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* 13. In what ways could BPDD better support advocacy efforts in Wisconsin?