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* 1. Please indicate your level of interest in the following article ideas:

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The Green Housing Market: Buying and Selling Efficient, Green Homes
Work with Passion: How Some People Find Jobs They Love that Benefit the World and How You Can, Too
Tightwads, Frugalistas and Cheapskates: Tips for Saving Money with Style and Sustainability
A Straw-Bale Building How-To
Finding Balance in the Good Life: How to find the middle ground, living a productive, modern life that’s easy on the environment
Urban Homesteading for Busy People: Top Choices to Create a Self-Sufficient Home in the City
Self-Sufficiency 101: Steps Toward Independence from the Power Company, Loans or Credit Cards, Food Retailers and More!
Paring Down: How Low Can You Go? Tammy Stroebel downsized from a typical middle-class life to just 100 items. She shares what she’s learned.

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* 2. Please indicate your level of interest in the following article ideas:

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Farm Profile: Southern Exposure in Virginia
A Home Built Out of a Grain Bin
The Slow Home Movement: What It Is and How You Can Get Involved
Thrift Store Décor: Our Favorite Ideas for Stunning Vintage Style
Tapping Your Resources: Getting Plugged Into Sustainability in Your Community
Swiss Agro-Tourism: Switzerland’s Model of Truly Self-Sufficient Living
Green Décor for Every Style: Classic, Modern, Earthy
Free Trash Treasures: The Smartest, Cheapest Ways to Keep Reusable, Repairable Items Out of Landfills
Day of Rest: The Importance of this Universal Tradition and How to Incorporate It into Your Modern Life
Beautiful Barn Homes: Converting Centuries-Old Barns into Efficient Historic Homes
Reduce: How to Buy Less and Enjoy More
How to Perform Your Own Energy Audit and Seal Your Home
Inside a Kitchen Remodel