1. Introduction

This is the online application form for the Hawaii GIS Day Statewide Webcast on Wednesday, November 16, 2011.

Question Title

* 1. WEBCAST TIME SLOTS - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2011: Please indicate which time slots you want to participate in. Prioritize your choices. (Slots will be filled according to registration order).

  1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice 5th Choice 6th Choice
8:30-9:00am: "GIS Day Kick-Off" (Speaker: Diana Papini Warren, Project Manager-MEDB's Women in Technology Project) Target Audience: K-12
9:00-9:30am:"Explore Your Community & Your World with ArcGIS Online" (Speaker: Joseph J. Kerski, Ph.D., Education Manager - Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc.) Target Audience: 6-12
9:35-10:05am:"A GIS Journey" (Speaker: Noelani Puniwai, Scientific Liaison - UH Hilo) Target Audience: K-12
10:10-10:40am:"GIS & Healthcare" (Speaker: Karen Volarich, Software Engineer - Ardent Management Consulting) Target Audience: K-12
10:45-11:15am:"How to become a GIS Professional" (Speaker: Karen Kemp, Ph.D.,GISP, Professor of the Practice of Spatial Sciences - University of Southern California) Target Audience: 9-12 & Post-secondary
11:20-11:50am:"GIS Tools are Making a Difference for Pacific Islands" (Speaker: Royce Jones, GISP, Hawaii-Pacific Islands Region Manager - Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.) Target Audience: K-12

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* 2. I am a:

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* 3. Your Name

Question Title

* 4. Name of Your School

Question Title

* 5. My school is on:

Question Title

* 6. School Address

Question Title

* 7. Preferred Shipping/Mailing Address if Different From Above
(Note: All participants receive GIS Day materials prior to the event!)

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* 8. School phone + Extension

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* 9. Alternate phone number

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* 10. Phone number of location where your group will be logging on to the session. (i.e. Library, computer lab phone)

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* 11. Email

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* 12. Alternate email address.

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* 13. Please check the grade level(s) you attend or teach: (check all that apply)

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* 14. If you are a teacher, what subject area(s) do you instruct?

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* 15. If you are a teacher, are you involving any students? (Preference will be given to teachers assembling students).

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* 16. Are you a STEMworks Teacher or Student?

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* 17. WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER WILL YOU BE USING? Will you be logging on from a...

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* 18. OPTIONAL TECHNOLOGY - To participate, all you need is a computer with speakers. OPTIONAL is for you to have the following. Please check if you have: (We recommend using these if you have it, as it will make the sessions more engaging, especially during question & answer periods.)