Question Title

1. Name (Optional)

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2. Club (Optional)

Question Title

3. What percentage of green fees are:-

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4. In 2012 how many societies do you have in the following categories?

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5. Is your catering franchised? Y / N

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6. If Yes

Question Title

7. Which of the following applies to your Professional

Question Title

8. Please indicate the approximate Green Staff salary annual expenditure

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9. How many Green Staff (Full Time equivalent) for the year?

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10. What is the Annual Staffing cost for the Bar

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11. How many Full Time equivalent Bar Staff for the year

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12. What is the overall annual cost of Administrative staff?

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13. How many office staff including yourself?

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14. Which Till Software do you use?
Would you recommend them to others?

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15. Do you have either of the following?

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16. Please advise your subscription levels

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17. If you have a 6 Day Category what percentage of Members have chosen it?

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18. What was your Green Fee income in 2012

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19. Can you specify the proposed percentage increase in operational expenditure in 2013 over 2012?