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Question Title

1. Everybody’s got a tip or two that makes their garden time, farm field trip, cooking lesson, or taste testing with young children easier. We want to compile a list of tips from the experts: YOU! What's your quick tip for making things easier when working in gardens, on farms, or with food and children?

Here are some examples, to get you thinking:

1. Use recycled water bottles instead of watering cans when gardening with little ones. Lots of holes in the lid with a tiny drill bit makes watering with kids easy, free, and impossible to overwater!
2. When planning a field trip, make sure you ask about allergies: bee stings, strawberry allergies, etc. are easy to prepare for, as long as you know in advance.
3. It's okay to play with your food! While children do need several opportunities to taste new foods, any positive exposure to a new food is beneficial. Consider putting veggies on a sensory table in a classroom, or letting a potato sprout in the windowsill of your home.