Help design Connect Power for Instant Peer Support.

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25% of survey complete.
Let's fund what's effective, not what's expensive. Start with peer support, then more peer support, then only if needed let's move to diagnoses and medications. Let's make our people customers of this service, not charity cases. Then our business will need you instead of you needing us. This will also completely free us from the fundraising, government budget cuts, and pharma lobbies that have limited the growth of peer programs in the past. Tell us how this would work for you as a customer, as an employee, or as a trainer.

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* 1. If you know something about mental health services, what roles or identities would you claim? (Pick all that apply.)

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* 3. We are building an online community where people who have experienced the mental health system can trade information with each other and find peer support and crisis care in their own communities. What features would be most useful to you? Select all that apply.