Massachusetts state government faces long-term fiscal challenges that threaten the future of public support for programs and services in all sectors, including the arts, humanities and sciences.

We know how much you value arts and culture in your community. Together we can work to ensure continued public funding for these programs at a time when they are most needed to improve the quality of life for residents, strengthen our young people's education, and contribute to the vitality of our communities.  Local Cultural Council grantees can play an important role in educating the public, including elected officials at all levels, about how our funding improves community life.

We've created this survey to find out more about the work you do or would like to do to encourage legislative and administrative support for the arts, sciences, and humanities so that the MCC might be able to better support your efforts.  The survey will also help us understand your interests regarding advocacy.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us who you are:

Question Title

* 2. How interested are you in learning about arts and culture advocacy opportunities and calls to action?