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* 1. How often do you use Brixton Pounds?

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* 2. Do you use B£ pay-by-text (The Brixton Pound e-currency)?

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* 3. If yes, how well has “pay-by-text” worked for you?

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* 4. Would you recommend family, friends or colleagues to join the scheme?

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* 5. If you do use the Brixton Pound, can you please let us know why?

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* 6. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Brixton Pound scheme?

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* 7. Please select any of the following where you think Brixton Pound could usefully provide help, advice or resources

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* 8. How do you think the Brixton Pound could better support local businesses and encourage local trading, and how do you think we could encourage more people to use the Brixton Pound?

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* 9. Do you have any additional feedback for the Brixton Pound, or ideas about how we could improve the scheme? Please include your name, contact details and name of business if you'd like us to follow up.