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* 1. Passover : communion ::

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* 3. With which predominant understanding of communion do you resonate most?

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* 4. Communion almost always comes last (or nearly last) in a church service. What is theologically significant about this? Try to recall the lecture, or think of your own answer.

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* 5. baptism : marriage :: communion :

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* 6. How, in your opinion, does Work's analogy between baptism and marriage ILLUMINATE or DISTORT an accurate understanding of communion, baptism, and other features of Christian life?

If you finish this quiz with extra time, answer this question to yourself:

Work claims that the particulars of how churches practice communion seem to adapt to changing contexts and needs, while still summarizing the gospel and centering the lives of believers.

Imagine the person sitting next to you at your church were new and unfamiliar with Christianity. After the service, he or she asks you what that whole bread and wine part meant. How would you respond?