Please provide us with your comments on the Online Learning presentation you viewed by taking a couple of minutes to fill out this online evaluation.

Thank you for your comments and your continued support of ASLA and its Professional Practice Networks (PPNs).

Question Title

* 1. In this presentation on evaluating the therapeutic effects of design elements, I gained a greater understanding of:

  strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree
1. How post occupancy evaluations can benefit their clients and enhance their performance on future projects and how case studies can be a useful tool when performing post occupancy evaluations
2. Which particular design elements most effectively achieve the desired positive results of a “therapeutic landscape” for patients, families and staff
3. Design recommendations and guidelines for use in designing a healing garden or therapeutic space

Question Title

* 2. The presentation, text, and graphics were clearly represented.

Question Title

* 3. The topic will be of value to my professional practice.

Question Title

* 4. Please comment on the following statement:

This presentation met my expectations.

Question Title

* 5. What did you like about the presentation?

Question Title

* 6. Any suggestions or comments to improve future presentations?

Question Title

* 7. ASLA is always interested in topics for new Online Learning presentations that provide practicing landscape architects with information about new and evolving practices and products. Please share your ideas here, and, if possible, the names of any experts who could give these presentations.