Question Title

* 1. Which Veterans Administration Educational benefit chapter will you be using? Check all that apply

Question Title

* 2. Are you currently enrolled in the VA health care system?

Question Title

* 3. Are you currently receiving care at the VA healthcare system?

Question Title

* 4. What services would you be interested in receiving through the Military and Veterans Resource Center?

  Yes No I already receive this service somewhere else on campus I already receive this service somewhere else in the community
Resume writing (military to civilian assistance)
Interview preparation
Leadership skills
Career skills development
Financial planning
Conflict resolution

Question Title

* 5. What workshops would you be interested in attending through the Military and Veterans Resource Center?

  Wah tare my VA benefits How to navigate the VA system

Question Title

* 6. When I applied to college... (more than one may apply)

Question Title

* 7. In which of the following areas did you need extra help in?

  This is true for me This is true for other veterans I know
Placement tests in mathematics
Math skills for the college classes I took
Reading and writing skills skills for the college classes I took
Finding help reviewing material to prepare for the college classroom
Finding academic and advising support for college enrollment
Transition from military to student life

Question Title

* 8. The following caused issues enrolling, succeeding and persisting in college

  This was a problem for me This was a problem for other student veterans I know
College application process
Financial aid process
Veterans Educational Benefits process
Selecting and enrolling in classes
Staying enrolled in college
Making progress towards selected major and degree
Personal or medical issues that prevented focus on education