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Question Title

Dear Denver Public Schools Stakeholder,

The District is beginning the process of developing its first ever Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) for its own operations. This SMP will identify ways the District can be a good environmental steward; save resources and money; and support staff and students by providing healthy, productive learning and work environments.

This survey is intended to collect your feedback for the SMP. It includes 12 questions to collect your ideas on what topics are most important to address in the SMP, what the District is already doing well, what it can do to improve and how you can participate in implementing the SMP. As the District is just beginning the process of collecting data and ideas to develop the SMP, this survey is intended to provide a venue for your thoughts and ideas to help shape the SMP, recognizing that different respondents will have different levels of knowledge about the District's current sustainability practices.

Your responses should take no more than 10 minutes and will be valuable in helping the District become a leader and example for the community. All responses will remain anonymous.

Please complete the survey no later than Friday, May 20 by 5pm. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Laurel Mattrey at LAUREL_MATTREY@dpsk12.org.

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* 1. Please indicate your affiliation with the District. Use the blank box to indicate your specific department or school affiliation.

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* 2. How do you think the District is currently doing with respect to practices that are integrating sustainability and saving money and/or resources for the following topic areas?

  Poorly Somewhat Poorly Good Very Good Excellent Don't Know
Building Lighting Systems
Building Heating/Cooling and Ventilation Systems
Indoor Water Use
Outdoor Water Use
Renewable Energy
Solid Waste and Recycling
District Buses and Other Vehicles
Green Purchasing
Food Services
Computers, Printers and other IT Equipment
Green Cleaning
Indoor Air Quality
Sustainability in the Curriculum
Education/Training of Staff on Sustainability Practices

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* 3. How effective do you think the following SMP strategies and actions would be to save the District money and resources and improve its sustainability practices?

  Not effective Marginally effective Somewhat effective Very effective We’re already doing enough of this
Provide District staff more education and training about finding best money and resource-saving practices in the District's daily operations.
Program building/school lights and other equipment to automatically shut off when not in use.
Adjust building/school temperatures and heating/cooling systems to use less energy.
Integrate sustainability into new buildings and major renovations.
Use more renewable energy to operate buildings/schools
Change water fixtures and water-using equipment in bathrooms, kitchens and other areas to more water saving fixtures.
Provide more facilities and guidance for recycling.
Reduce waste from food services and evaluate sustainability in food services procurement.
Use native, drought tolerant plants and water conserving irrigation systems around District schools and buildings.
Use more fuel efficient buses and vehicles in the District fleet and find ways to reduce miles driven.
Purchase more environmentally friendly paper, school supplies, furniture and other supplies.
Integrate more green cleaning practices into janitorial operations.
Better manage power saving features on computers, printers and other school equipment.
Integrate sustainability into the curriculum.
Provide more opportunities for parents, students, district staff and teachers to work together on sustainability.

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* 4. Do you think the District would benefit from an overarching vision/policy or definition of sustainability?

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* 5. Please rank from least to greatest the following potential challenges in implementing the SMP once it is completed. (1 being least challenging, 7 being most challenging)

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* 6. Please feel feel free to use this space to explain your response to the previous question.

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* 7. What sorts of tools, incentives, programs or other ideas do you think would best motivate staff, teachers, parents, students and/or other stakeholder to participate in implementing the SMP? Multiple answers are allowed.

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* 8. Please feel free to use this space to comment on your response to the previous question.

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* 9. How would you best describe your level of willingness to participate in implementing the SMP?

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* 10. Are there any other thoughts you would like to share about the SMP?

Thank you for your time and efforts to complete this survey.